Monday, March 9, 2015


Some entries in this blog discuss sexual encounters. These entries are based on real sexual encounters but are dramatized to an extent, for effect. In general, the descriptions of setting, circumstances, people, reactions / feelings and qualitative descriptions of events are true/accurate or very close to true/accurate. There is some embellishments in these areas used to either fill in memory gaps or, most often, to mask identity of persons involved. Major embellishments and/or altered facts are occasionally used when describing the chronology of events or to provide more intriguing endings and/o to add additional "chapters" that did not actually happen. These entries are part fantasy but are heavily weighted in reality (which I find to be the best source for interesting subject matter because it rings much truer).

Regarding my views on sex / sexuality:
I respect all types of sexuality that involves sexually mature persons participating in CONSENSUAL  sexual acts. "Sexually mature" is debatable to a degree (some draw a hard line at age 18 - which I find to be arbitrary and artificial), but without question, PREPUBESCENT CHILDREN are absolutely NOT sexually mature persons and CANNOT consent to engage in sexual acts. Not only is pedophilia not acceptable by societal and health-and-welfare-of-children standards, it is absolutely abhorrent and reprehensible behavior that deserves punishment on par with murder (IMO). But, if all parties involved in a sexual act are sexually mature (not children) and capable of consenting (are of sound mind and body), then I am accepting and respectful of any/all forms of sexuality. That does not mean that I am personally willing to participate in any/all sexual acts, but I don't disparage others' for their likes and dislikes or their quirks and kinks. But, like anyone, I like what I like.

Finally: no offense is intended and I speak only OF MYSELF.

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